River Trek
Ages: 13-15
Length: 13 days
Location: Dumoine River, QC

Paddle the Dumoine River, one of the premier whitewater canoe tripping rivers in Quebec. The Dumoine has a rustic charm that harkens to an adventurer’s spirit. This program is designed to introduce teens from 13 to 15 years old, to longer wilderness canoe trips.
We begin in LaVerendrye Provincial Park where we spend a few days traveling on flatwater; time to get in shape, learn and re-learn canoeing skills. When we reach the Dumoine, the whitewater instruction begins. The Guides follow a thorough teaching progression adapting their lessons to the skill level of the group. Extra time is taken at the first few sets of rapids to gain confidence and skill in paddling strokes and whitewater manoeuvres. The remaining days are a whoop and holler down the nearly 40 sets of rapids! Short paddling distances allow for maximum play-time in the whitewater, without the burden of gear in the boats. Some portaging is involved and the portages range from short pullovers to challenging walks which require perseverance and everyone pulling together! PaddleFoot Guides are always on hand to ensure safety systems are in place for every element of the River Trek program. The whole trip is a little over 110 km.

Whitewater is not all that the Dumoine River has to offer. Most days, the group will take a short break from the canoe tripping element to explore unique locations along the way. Stopping to see an old logging relic like “the alligator,” checking out the quartz seams squeezed into the rock beside a waterfall, or examining signs of local wildlife; all this combines to make the River Trek trip a great all around canoe tripping experience.
While on trip, PaddleFoot Guides facilitate a host of activities such as: crafts, swimming, steaming in a sauna, nature interpretation, games, or playing under a waterfall. We usually take one day off during the trip to relax at the campsite and make crafts for our traditional gift exchange and Wilderness Gourmet Banquet.

Trippers also have the opportunity to hone their campsite living skills as each day the group works together to setup and takedown camp, setup tents and other shelters, practice low impact camping, light campfires, and cook fabulous meals. Each tripper learns self-sufficiency within the framework of a team. Along with canoe tripping skills, PaddleFoot helps individuals develop group skills while we work together to successfully meet the daily challenges of wilderness travel. We have structured daily group meetings where input from each member is encouraged, allowing trippers the opportunity to voice their opinions, thoughts and feelings about the trip and develop valuable communication and teamwork skills.
Join us on the Dumoine this summer – picturesque campsites, roaring waterfalls, sandy beaches and the smell of fresh pine await!